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Silver Jubilee Webinar Series

S.No. Date Title Speakers Webinar Director / Coordinator Downloads
17-Dec-2022 International webinar on "HOW ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS TRANSFORMING THE WORLD" MR. Vijay Gupta
Capgemini, Pune, India
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Kshamasheel Mishra and Mrs. Geetika Singh
23-Apr-2022 International Workshop on "Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking" MR. SUBODH SHRIVASTVA
Cornerstone OnDemand, Sydney, Australia
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Kshamasheel Mishra and Mrs. Geetika Singh Presentation Summery Report
1-Dec-2021 International Webinar on "Cyber Awareness for Youth" MR. Bhupesh Madhuskar
Sr. Archi., Cognizant, London
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / ICS faculty members
24-Nov-2021 National Webinar on "Master Class on Block Chain Technology, Application and Opportunities" MR. VORUGANTI ARAVIND
Vice President,Block Chain Practice and Products, IDS Inc, Hyderabad
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Lokesh Kumar Laddhani
09-Oct-2021 International webinar on "Importance of skill Optimization in challenging time" Mr. Ajaiya Kumar Pandey
Manager, Accenture, Dallas, TX , USA
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Kshamasheel Mishra and Mrs. Geetika Singh Presentation
17-Sep-2021 National Webinar on "राष्ट्र पुरुष बाबासाहब डॉ.भीमराव आम्बेडकर" Dr. Ramesh Madhav Rao Pandav
Sr. Educationist, Beed Maharashtra
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Lokesh Kumar Laddhani
11-Sep-2021 International Webinar on "Scope of Automation Testing in IT industry" Mrs. Archana Pandey
BB & T., , Charlotte North, Carollina, USA
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Kshamasheel Mishra and Mrs. Geetika Singh
03-Sep-2021 National Webinar on Aatmanirbhar Bharat- Startup "New Enterprise Setup" Er. Manish Shah
Consulting Engineer, MSA, Indore
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Ms. Keerti Dixit and Mr. Shekhar Disawal
IPR Cell
02-Sep-2021 National Webinar on "Research possibilities in Blockchain Technology" Dr. Deepak Sukheja
Associate Professor, VNRVJIET, Hyderabad
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Pandya
Research and Development Cell
28-Aug-2021 International Webinar on "Career Opportunities in the fields of DevOps" Mr. Abhishek Tripathi
IT Consultant, SPARK, New Zealand
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Kshamasheel Mishra and Mrs. Geetika Singh
Alumni and Innovation Cell
26-Jun-2021 International Webinar on "Future of Work in Distracted Post Covid World in context of AI, Automation and People" Mr. Anadi Upadhyay
Senior Director
Application Development,
Oracle Corporation, USA
Dr. Umesh Kumar Singh / Dr. Kshamasheel Mishra and Mrs. Geetika Singh
Alumni and Innovation Cell

Visitors: 128456

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Institute Address

Institute of Computer Science,
Vikram University Ujjain
Dewas Road, Ujjain
Madhya Pradesh- 456010
Phone: +91 7342511475
Email: icsvikram2020@gmail.com